The deduced Nature of God


We can now elaborate further on divine personhood. A person is someone who knows himself, is aware of himself and has intentions and a will. A material person is, in addition, temporal because he exists in time. Therefore, he has to anticipate the future and to recollect the past. God, however, is timeless-eternal because He created time. Therefore, He neither anticipates the future nor recollects the past. Therefore, God is a person, but unlike His creation.


But how can a personal, timeless-eternal God stand in causal relations with the material universe without being in time? Causality in the material universe is based on temporal references so that the cause is tied to time. That is, a cause is an event that precedes the caused event in time. However, time-contingent causality cannot exist outside the material universe because time does not exist outside the material universe and God is timeless-eternal. Therefore, there must either be timeless causality or no causality outside the material universe. Since the material universe was caused, there must be timeless causality outside the material universe. However, as material temporal creatures, human beings cannot comprehend the nature of timeless causality. Therefore, there is no rational answer as to how a timeless-eternal God can cause, can bring into existence a time-contingent universe. In the same way, there are no rational answers as to how an immaterial transcendent God can cause, can bring into existence a material universe. Only the timeless-eternal immaterial transcendent personal God can know how He causes, how He brought into existence, and indeed how He interacts with the material time-contingent universe. The answer can, therefore, only be found, if at all, in divine revelation. However we will have reached at this point the limit of human knowledge, the boundary between reason and belief, more specifically the boundary between reason and belief in the Unseen. Therefore, whatever the answer in divine revelation, it has to be accepted as a matter of belief.

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