Can God be known?

Again, while the theory of evolution explains the variety of living organisms by common ancestry whose lineage diverge through generations in time, it does not account for the creation of the bacteria-like microorganisms from which it is said all plants and animals descended.

Higgs Boson “God particle”

The Higgs boson or “God particle” is a particle of the Higgs field which permeates space. It is hypothesised that the elementary subatomic particles like electrons and photons acquired mass through interactions with the Higgs field when the universe cooled and became less energetic following the Big Bang. The recent discovery of the Higgs boson indicates the existence of this Higgs field.

Again, while the Higgs Boson “God particle” explains how matter was created with mass immediately following the Big Bang, it does not account for the creation of the pre-existing singularity from which the Higgs Boson “God particle” originated.

The limits of science

A scientific explanation requires a set of pre-existing laws operating on a set of initial conditions.

So for example, the scientific explanation for a boiling electric kettle may be stated as follows.

Water is placed inside an electrical kettle which is connected to an electrical source. Once connected, an electrical circuit is created in which the heating coil inside the kettle functions as a resistor. When the electrical current passes through the heating coil, there is an energy transfer which heats the heating coil. The heat energy from the heater coil is then transferred to the water by conduction.

The particles near the coil get more kinetic energy, so they start moving around faster and the water temperature rises. The water near the coil expands and becomes less dense. This hotter water rises above the denser cooler water. As the hotter water rises, it displaces the colder water out of the way making it sink towards the heater coil. The hot coil heat the cold water and so on creating convection currents which travel up round and down thereby circulating heat energy through the water until all the water is hot.

Eventually, continual heating gives the particles in the water enough energy to overcome their attraction to each other until big bubbles of gas form in the liquid which starts to boil at a temperature called the boiling point. Water particles near the surface escape the intermolecular attraction of the other particles in the water in a process called evaporation, into the free space between the water and the top of the kettle as gaseous steam.

As the fastest and hottest particles with the most kinetic energy evaporate as steam, the average speed and kinetic energy of the remaining particles decrease, the temperature decreases, and the liquid cools. However, heat energy is continually being transferred by conduction into the water which rises by convection until all the remaining water reaches boiling point and escapes as gaseous steam.

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